Project American Life
Experiential Excellence!
Project American Life inspires rising generations to cherish America’s virtuous history and apply her Founding Principles in all facets of their daily lives.
The Problem
Less than 20% of high school graduates are competent in the fields of American history and civics. Tragic Translation: 80% are “incompetent” in the essential realms of Citizenship! This is an untenable reality if “We the People” are to hold ultimate governing authority.
The Solution
History and civics should never be dry, disconnected data-bytes… especially when concerning America. PAL is “Where America’s Founding Principles Come to Life.” Invigorated minds, warmed hearts, and soaring souls are prerequisites to educational excellence!
“Project American Life is the best place...
It’s better than Disneyworld!”
“I learned that I can do anything; I can accomplish my dreams.... I am starting now!”
“This is the most valuable experience that can be provided to middle school students. We’ll see short-term effects at school immediately; and yet, it is the long term “standards” for personal growth that I value most about Project American Life.”
Three Formats towards one Purpose:
Ultimate Educational Adventures
These four-day residential experiences can take place at camp and conference facilities all across America. These dynamic explorations are led by highly-trained facilitators wherein each program element is meticulously scripted and flawlessly delivered. The official PAL textbook is laid out in this long-standing, well-rehearsed order.
PAL in the Classroom
The five-day immersion into the comprehensive curriculum awakens young minds to the heroic nature of the “American Dream,” including the moral vision of our Founders. Programming takes place at the respective schools and is led by the schoolteachers. The order of classes and simulations is at the school’s discretion.
Virtual PAL
This adaptable format has been virtually re-imagined so that every school in America is able to benefit from the one-of-a-kind experiential elements. Schools may choose particular parts of the curriculum throughout the school-year to expand upon topics and lessons at hand. Also, each student is able to learn at his or her own pace.