Ultimate Educational Adventures!
“Where Learning Lasts a Lifetime!”
“Where America's Founding Principles Come to Life!"
For 25 years, Project American Life has inspired tens of thousands of students through this four-day residential experience. With the wisdom of The Declaration of Independence as a starting point, students begin reaching for their own hopes and dreams ~ stretching beyond the smallness of immediate self-gratification towards striving to build that long-imagined Shining City on Hill!
This founding model vividly engages hearts and minds using the still “self-evident truths” of 1776. In bringing American History to life, students develop a rich and personal connection with the ideals of our Republic. Experiential discoveries into these Founding Principles kindle heartfelt gratitude for the many sacrifices made in the shaping of our unique nation. In turn, students begin seizing their own sense of civic responsibility, as they seek to serve a cause greater than self.
Each day of the PAL adventure begins with paradigmatic questions along with corresponding virtues: “Who, What, Where, and Why am I?” The virtues have an easy mechanism for remembrance: “The Four C’s of Clarity, Compassion, Courage, and Commitment.” In illumining the moral vision of America’s Founders and the virtues they embodied, students yearn to walk in their shoes!

"Before I came to Project American Life, I thought I was nothing. Now I know that I am somebody special and that I live in a great country."
— Austin, 6th Grade
"Project American Life is all about learning about history without even realizing you’re doing it because you’re having fun at the same time."
— Stephanie, 6th Grade
"I learned that I can do anything. I can accomplish my dreams, and I am starting now. I will remember the songs we sang, the games we played, and the things we talked about, which will always, always stay with me. I would like to thank everybody, because this is a trip that has changed my life."
— Ashley
Micro Documentary
Watch the PAL experience unfold
PAL stands ready to serve!
Though the residential and experiential classroom models have been temporarily halted due to COVID concerns, Virtual PAL holds great promise to reinvigorating America’s Founding Principles from sea to shining sea!
Project American Life Solutions!
PAL in the Classroom
The five-day immersion into the comprehensive curriculum awakens young minds to the heroic nature of the “American Dream,” including the moral vision of our Founders.
Programming takes place at the respective schools and is led by the schoolteachers. The order of classes and simulations is at the school’s discretion.
Virtual PAL
This adaptable format has been virtually re-imagined so that every school in America is able to benefit from the one-of-a-kind experiential elements.
Schools may choose particular parts of the curriculum throughout the school-year to expand upon topics and lessons at hand. Also, each student is able to learn at his or her own pace.